More on Discourse and Workplace
Bargiela-Chiappini, F. (2009). Introduction: Business discourse. In Francesca
Bargiela-Chiappini (ed.), The Handbook of Business Discourse. Edinburgh:
Edinburgh University Press. pp.1-15.
DeIuliis, D. (2016). “Workplace Communication.” Communication Research
Trends, 35(1), pp. 3.
Koester, A. (2006). Investigating Workplace Discourse.
London, New York: Routledge.
More on Workplace Culture
Clyne, M. (1994). Introducing the field. In Inter0cultural Communication at
Work: Cultural Values in Discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge Universtiy
Press. pp.1-32.
Hua, Z. (2011). Themes and issues in the study of language and intercultural
communication. In Zhu Hua (ed.), The Language and Intercultural
Communication Reader. London: Routledge. pp.1-14.
Kang, M.A. and Zayts, O. (2010). “Patient participation within a globalised
patient population: Interactional difficulties in a prenatal counseling
context in Hong Kong.” Journal of Asian Pacific Communication,
20(2): 169–184.
Sarangi, S. (2009). Culture. In Gunter Senft, Jan-Ola Ostman, Jef Verschueren
(eds.), Culture and Language Use. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 81-
Schnurr, S. and Zayts, O. (in preparation). Culture at Work: Exploring the role
of culture in the workplace and professional contexts.
More on Gender and Identity
Bucholtz, M., Liang, A. C. and Sutton, L. (1999). Reinventing Identities: The
Gendered Self in Discourse. Oxford University Press.
Bucholtz, M. and Hall, K. (2004). “Theorizing Identity in Language and
Sexuality Research.” Language in Society 33 (4): 501-547.
Bucholtz, M. and Hall, K. (2008) “Finding Identity: Theory and Data.”
Multilingua 27 (1-2): 151-163.
Holmes, J. (2006). Gendered Talk at Work: Constructing social identity
through workplace interaction. Malden, Oxford, Carlton: Blackwell.
Talbot, M.M. (2010). Language and Gender. Cambridge: Polity.
Schnurr, S. & O. Zayts (2012). “"You have to be adaptable, obviously":
Constructing professional identities in multicultural workplaces in Hong
Kong.” Pragmatics, 22(2): 279–299.
Zayts, O. and Schnurr, S. (2014). “More than ‘information provider’ and
‘counselor’. Constructing and negotiating roles and identities of nurses
in genetic counseling sessions.” Journal of Sociolinguistics, 18(3): 345-
Zayts, O., Schnurr, S. & Sarangi, S. (fc). The management of diagnostic
uncertainty and decision-making in genetics case conferences.
Communication and Medicine [also to appear in Sarangi, S. and Linell,
P. (eds.) Decision-making Across Boundaries in Health and Social Care
Professions. London: Equinox.]